Labels:crt screen | dialog box | earth | monitor | sky | stairs | window OCR: This IS a frame page demonstrating the TARGET Microsoft Internet Explorer File Edi View Explore Favorites Her E\Que2\QuealNframe2.htm AA Click- a- link! Adventures 1' Supercomputing Supercomputer CH allenge OUE Corpor ation Malluf Consulting Services Microsoft Website YAHOO Adventures in Supercomputing Welcome to the New Mexico Adventures in Supercomputing server Adventures 1t Supercomputing (AiS) 1S sponsored by the US Department of Energy This server 1S run at Sandia National Laboratores 1t1 Albuquerque NM. at the Massively Parallel Computing Research Laboratory The Adventures in Supercomputing program is designed to cultivate the interest of women minority, and disadvantaged K-12 students in science mathematics, and computing To contribute to this end the computer expertise and scientif ...